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Mastering Construction Estimating with ProEst

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Mastering Construction Estimating with ProEst

Welcome to the ultimate guide to using ProEst for comprehensive construction estimating! If you're a construction professional looking to streamline your estimating process, ProEst is a powerful tool that can help you achieve precision and efficiency. Let’s dive deep into how you can harness the power of ProEst to bring accuracy and efficiency to your construction projects.

What is ProEst?

ProEst is a cloud-based construction estimating software that allows you to create detailed, accurate cost estimates. It is designed to simplify the estimating process by providing advanced tools for cost estimation, digital takeoffs, proposal generation, and more. With ProEst, you can manage your estimating tasks with increased speed and reliability, allowing you to focus on what you do best—building exceptional projects.

Setting Up ProEst

Before you start with ProEst, you need to ensure that your setup is correct. Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started:

  1. Create Your Account: Visit the ProEst website and sign up for an account. Fill in your company details, and set up your user profile.
  2. Customize Your Settings: Navigate to the settings menu to customize your account preferences. Set up your company logo, default currency, tax settings, and unit measurements.
  3. Integrations: Connect ProEst with other software you use, such as project management tools or accounting software, to streamline workflows.

Understanding the User Interface

ProEst’s user interface is intuitive and user-friendly. Here are the main components you need to familiarize yourself with:

  • Dashboard: Your central hub for accessing recent estimates, project data, and analytics.
  • Projects Tab: A comprehensive list of all your projects, along with their status and associated estimates.
  • Estimates Tab: Here you create, edit, and manage your estimates. You'll find tools for digital takeoffs and cost itemization.
  • Reports Tab: Generate detailed reports to track progress, proposal details, and cost breakdowns.

Creating Your First Estimate

Creating an estimate in ProEst follows a structured process. Here’s a detailed tutorial:

Step 1: Start a New Project

  1. Click on the Projects Tab: Select 'New Project'.
  2. Fill in Project Details: Enter the project name, client information, and project description.
  3. Save the Project: Click 'Save' to create the project and move to the estimating phase.

Step 2: Digital Takeoffs

  1. Upload Plans: Navigate to the Estimates Tab, select 'New Estimate', and upload your project plans.
  2. Use Measurement Tools: Utilize ProEst’s measurement tools to perform digital takeoffs. Extract quantities for materials and labor directly from the digital plans.
  3. Save Takeoffs: As you measure, save your takeoff data, which will be automatically linked to your estimate.

Step 3: Building the Estimate

  1. Cost Items: Add cost items associated with your project, such as materials, labor, and equipment. ProEst has a comprehensive database of cost items you can use.
  2. Adjust Quantities and Costs: Modify quantities based on takeoff data. Adjust costs if needed to reflect current market rates.
  3. Apply Markups: Apply necessary markups for profit, overhead, and contingencies.

Step 4: Generating Proposals

  1. Proposal Templates: Choose a proposal template, or customize your own to match your branding.
  2. Include Estimate Details: Ensure all relevant details from your estimate are included in the proposal.
  3. Review and Submit: Review the proposal for accuracy. Once satisfied, save, print, or email the proposal to your client directly from ProEst.

Best Practices for Accurate Estimating

Accurate estimating is crucial for the success of any construction project. Here are some best practices to follow:

  1. Consistent Data Entry: Ensure that data is entered consistently to avoid discrepancies.
  2. Update Cost Databases Regularly: Keep your cost databases up-to-date with current market rates to ensure accurate estimates.
  3. Check Workflows: Periodically review your estimation workflow to identify inefficiencies or areas for improvement.
  4. Use Templates: Leverage estimate and proposal templates to save time and maintain consistency across projects.

Advanced Tips and Tricks

To truly become a ProEst power user, incorporate these advanced tips into your workflow:

  • Customizable Formulas: Use ProEst’s customizable formulas to automate complex calculations.
  • Collaborate in Real-Time: Take advantage of ProEst’s cloud capabilities to collaborate with team members in real-time, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.
  • Leverage Data Analytics: Utilize ProEst’s analytics tools to gain insights into your estimating processes. Identify trends and areas for cost savings through detailed reports and dashboards.


ProEst is an invaluable tool for construction professionals looking to streamline their estimating processes and enhance project accuracy. By following these best practices and utilizing the full range of ProEst’s features, you can transform the way you manage construction estimates. Start your journey today and experience the power of precise and efficient estimating with ProEst!

Happy estimating! 🚀