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Setting Up and Using Fieldwire for Construction Task Management

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Setting Up and Using Fieldwire for Construction Task Management


In the world of construction, effective task management is crucial for ensuring project success. Enter Fieldwire—a powerful tool designed specifically for construction professionals. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through setting up Fieldwire and provide best practices to maximize its potential.

Step 1: Getting Started with Fieldwire

Creating an Account

  1. Sign Up: Head over to the Fieldwire website and sign up for an account. You can opt for a free or premium subscription based on your needs.
  2. Verify Email: Check your email for a verification link and follow it to activate your account.

Setting Up Projects

  1. Create a New Project:
    • Navigate to the dashboard and click on Create Project.
    • Fill in the project name, location, and other pertinent details.
  2. Project Settings:
    • Configure permissions and roles for your team members, ensuring everyone has the right access levels.
    • Add plan sheets, either by uploading or by linking to cloud storage services like Dropbox or Google Drive.

Step 2: Navigating Fieldwire’s Interface

Dashboard Overview

  • The dashboard is your command center. It provides an overview of all your projects and their statuses.
  • You can access tools for task management, drawing plans, and notifications here.

Task Management

  • Use the task module to create, assign, and track tasks.
    • Creating Tasks: Click on Create Task and fill in the specifics, including title, description, start date, and due date.
    • Assign Tasks: Assign tasks to team members and set priorities using labels and tags.

Step 3: Using Fieldwire for Effective Task Management

Task Field Navigation

  • Kanban View: Organize tasks with a visual, drag-and-drop interface.
  • List View: See tasks in a detailed list format for a more granular look.
  • Calendar View: Visualize tasks over a timeline to track deadlines effectively.

Advanced Task Features

  1. Task Templates: Save time by creating templates for repetitive tasks.
  2. Task Linking: Link related tasks for better dependency tracking.
  3. Task Filter: Filter tasks by status, priority, and assignee to focus on what's important.

Step 4: Collaborating Efficiently

Real-Time Updates

  • Notifications: Ensure your team stays in the loop with real-time notifications on task updates.
  • Comments: Use the comment section within tasks for clear, contextual communication.

File Sharing and Document Management

  • Upload and share files directly within tasks, ensuring relevant documents and photos are always at hand.
  • Use version control to keep track of document revisions.

Best Practices for Using Fieldwire

Regular Updates

  • Regularly update task statuses to keep everyone informed of progress and changes.

Frequent Reviews

  • Conduct weekly reviews of the task list to identify blockers and adjust priorities.

Efficient Communication

  • Use Fieldwire’s comment section within each task to minimize email clutter and ensure all project-related communication is centralized.

Training Your Team

  • Invest time in training your team members to use Fieldwire effectively. Consider creating training materials or scheduling regular training sessions.


Fieldwire is a game-changer for construction task management, offering robust features that streamline project workflows. By following this guide, you can set up Fieldwire and leverage its tools to enhance collaboration, ensure timely completion of tasks, and ultimately drive project success.

Start using Fieldwire today, and transform the way you manage construction tasks!

Happy Building! 🚧🔧👷